Guangzhou Zeer Appears at the 2023 Brake Annual Conference

The annual event of the automotive braking industry, the 2023 China Brake Annual Conference, was grandly held from October 24th to 25th, 2023 at the Hilton Hotel in Wuhan Optics Valley. The conference has become one of the three major global automotive braking technology conferences and a technology feast for major domestic automotive manufacturers and brake component manufacturers. This exhibition brought together experts from various fields such as domestic brake discs, brake linings, brake calipers, raw material manufacturers, testing equipment manufacturers, simulation software, universities, etc. A total of 80 booths and 4 lecture halls were set up, and more than 20 academic exchanges were held on brake disc/pad, wire controlled chassis technology, etc. The attendees jointly discussed the latest technological development and future trends, and also showcased various brake systems and component products.




Zeer was still invited to participate in the conference as a booth sponsor this year, and brought star testing products and solutions in the field of automotive brake testing:

DEWETRON - Brake noise and jitter NVH test plan;

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VBOX - Braking distance and braking ABS performance testing plan;

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Sensors used for ABS performance testing:

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GDS - Pressure and volume (PV curve) testing of braking components and pipelines;



GDS - EPB Electronic Parking Functionality and Durability Test Bench;



SBI - brake disc DTV&segment jump test, brake lining thickness test, etc;微信图片_20231026171113.png


Zeer's brake related testing plan has always been well received by the industry, and many of the technical personnel participating in the meeting are old friends. Every year, everyone will exchange brake testing related testing plans and technical issues. Zell will also bring back various testing needs and suggestions from customers, develop more advanced testing plans, and improve existing testing plans, striving to provide customers with mature solutions that are more in line with practical testing needs, and contribute to the development of the automotive braking industry.


As the highest part of automotive safety requirements, the automotive braking system is closely related to the safety of drivers and pedestrians. With the development of electrification and intelligence in the automotive industry, people have put forward higher requirements for the intelligence, safety, and comfort of braking systems. New requirements and challenges have also been put forward for testing equipment suppliers like Guangzhou Zeer. Our company will continue to improve our business capabilities and provide more professional services for customers and the long-term development of the automotive braking testing industry!