Quick news: The latest specification table for MOVIA LiDAR has been released

Microvision's MOVIA solid-state LiDAR sensor is highly suitable for medium to short range applications, with outstanding robustness and data quality.

The latest specification sheet for MOVIA LiDAR has been released recently, and most importantly, MOVIA can now be sold and tested!

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MOVIA ™ Lidar sensor

Main features

▶ Developed according to automotive grade standards

▶ No mobile components, instead using pure semiconductor solutions

▶ Due to the lack of mechanical components, it can be maintained for a longer period of time to be more sturdy and reliable

▶ A transceiver unit with a resolution of 100 rows by 128 columns

▶ It uses sequential refresh to sequentially scan the environment hundreds of times

▶ Due to its multi echo function, it can operate under harsh weather conditions

MOVIA can be used in conjunction with our MOSAIK software suite to collect truth reference data.

MOSAIK Suite ™ Software Suite

Validate sensors and algorithms to achieve machine learning and artificial intelligence projects


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Main features

▶ Provide a complete toolchain from a single source

▶ Including MVIS automatic annotation software

▶ Automatically annotate objects and lanes

▶ Scalability based on cloud compatible architecture

▶ Support selected third-party LiDAR data

▶ Allow manual editing of objects and lanes

▶ Compatible with MVIS SyncBox Pro








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System architecture


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MOSAIK Suite ™ Our Features

Third party LiDAR data support

▶ MOSAIK Suite ™ Support laser radar equipment specified by other suppliers

▶ With the support of third-party LiDAR equipment, higher flexibility is provided (such as the 360 ° LiDAR on the roof)

▶ Allow different devices to run simultaneously to adapt to any usage situation

Object and lane quality

▶ A fast and intuitive tool that can manually improve the object and lane quality of reference data

▶ Allow modification of objects and lanes, such as position, direction, and classification

▶ Apply changes to the entire object trajectory instead of editing frame by frame

MVIS SyncBox Professional Edition

▶ Time management device that can synchronize all systems in the car to a single source of truth

▶ Capable of serving as a guiding or following clock for each connected component or protocol

▶ Ensure the data time quality of all systems in the car

▶ Supports all universal time protocols (such as PPS&NMEA, gPTP/PTP, NTP, CAN) and can be configured according to usage

▶ Monitor the synchronization status of various interfaces

If you need to learn more about product related information (such as product specifications), please contact Zell Testing. Feel free to inquire.