It was midsummer and the scorching sun was like fire.

On June 19, 2023, the "Entering FAW Volkswagen - Supplier Technology Exhibition and Exchange Conference" held by FAW Volkswagen was in full swing. Our company is also honored to be invited to contribute to the development of "software, intelligence, electrification, and networking" for FAW Volkswagen at this grand event.


This exchange meeting brought together mainstream domestic and foreign suppliers of components and equipment, where everyone shared their experiences, achievements, and advanced automotive technology and equipment from both domestic and foreign sources.


Zeer Testing, as a high-quality supplier of FAW Volkswagen, has over ten years of service experience and is a leading automotive testing equipment integrator both domestically and internationally. Zeer has made a profound presence in the field of automotive testing equipment, providing high-quality automotive testing equipment to major Chinese OEMs and testing institutions for many years.


At this exhibition, we showcased many new equipment and technologies. For example, a new video capture platform (see figure below)

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We also understand the practical needs of our customers and have a clear direction for future development. We believe that Zell will continue to improve in the near future, as our slogan goes: MAKE GOOD TO BE BETTER.
