ABD Webinar Trailer

AB Dynamics - Durability and Misuse Testing Solution Brochure - ROW.jpg

Improve efficiency, security, and data quality

Durability and misuse testing are extremely labor-intensive, repetitive, and sometimes even dangerous - such tasks are best suited for robots to do. For over a decade, our unmanned robots and CAN based solutions have made durability and misuse testing safer, more efficient, and able to obtain better data.

This solution significantly improves testing efficiency by continuously executing the same, pre programmed tests, which can be repeated over and over again anywhere in the world. In addition, the higher accuracy, precision, and repeatability provided by robots also benefit data output.

Now we are pleased to introduce our active object detection options. The system uses a dual sensor combination of LiDAR and dual cameras to avoid untraceable objects in front of the test vehicle, such as wildlife or vehicle debris. It can enable more autonomous vehicles to drive safely in a wider range of areas.

Contact us today to arrange a demonstration or attend our exclusive webinar to learn how your durability and abuse testing solution can benefit from autonomous driving solutions.

Registration address: https://mobex.io/webinars/driverless-durability-and-misuse-track-testing-for-improved-efficiency-safety-and-data-quality

Webinar Date and Time

On May 12, 2023, at 10pm Beijing time

Attend our exclusive webinar to gain a deeper understanding of our autonomous driving solutions and:

Understand how autonomous driving solutions can improve test data quality by improving accuracy, precision, and repeatability

Understand how to perform the same pre programmed tests in sequence to improve testing efficiency

Understand how our new LiDAR and camera based object detection system can further improve the flexibility of unmanned driving testing

Lock your meeting seat today.