VBOX 3i-V5

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VBOX 3i-V5 is the leader in VBOX system products. Using a high-speed GPS/GLONASS engine, the VBOX3i-V5 records data 100 times per second, allowing you to conduct detailed analysis of braking, acceleration, handling, and track tests. It can be installed within 30 seconds without the need for setup or calibration.

Equipped with Bluetooth, USB, and serial communication functions, it can record data through a CF card, and has audio tagging function, making VBOX3i fully suitable for most testing environments. VBOX3i-V5 has 4 channels of 24 bit analog input, 32 channels of CAN, 2 CAN bus interfaces, 2 channels of 16 bit analog output, and 2 channels of digital output.

IMU integration>By connecting VBOX3i-V5 and IMU units (inertial measurement units) together, a real-time Kalman filter is used to automatically correct GPS data in environments with poor GPS signals. At the same time, the IMU can also calculate the pitch and roll angle at a speed of 100Hz as a reference value.